What the teachers and the students do and how they interact – a comparison of special education teaching and ordinary teaching in mathematics


  • Leif Bjørn Skorpen




In this article, I compare three teaching situations: ordinary mathematics teaching, special education teaching in mathematics located within the ordinary class, and special education teaching in mathematics located outside the ordinary class, in order to find the main differences between them with respect to what the teacher and the students do. The findings are discussed in light of various aspects of the inclusion concept. The empirical material has been collected in the SPEED-project and consists of observations throughout an entire school day of 108 individual students, their teachers and the classes they belong to. The discussion reveals that the special education teaching is more individual, the student is more frequently engaged in subject-related activities and in communication with the teacher, and that each of the two different organizational forms of the special education teaching in mathematics separately seem to fulfil different aspects of the concept of inclusion in a best way.


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How to Cite

Skorpen, L. B. (2020). What the teachers and the students do and how they interact – a comparison of special education teaching and ordinary teaching in mathematics. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 25(3-4), 51–71. https://doi.org/10.7146/nomad.v25i3-4.149070


