A logical model for interventions for students in mathematics difficulties – improving professionalism and mathematical confidence
This article describes elements in a Danish model for interventions in mathematics for students in mathematics difficulties. The authors have been core members of the intervention development team for the last decade. The aim of the interventions is to support the students and teachers involved and to be an instrument for municipalities and schools to improve mathematics culture. In the article, we start by sketching a couple of political level incentives and by outlining the pilot study and two large-scale experiments in which the model was implemented and expanded. We then present the research question that guides the article. In the main section, we present the logical model, which consists of nine boxes of inputs, processes and outputs. In order to illustrate viewpoints and ideas behind the boxes and their implementation, we have chosen to include some extracts from identification and teaching materials and some data collected through the pilot study and the experiments. We only address the many other existing intervention models to the extent that comparing characteristics helps to clarity characteristics in our own model. We conclude the article by claiming that an open standard to deal with students’ mathematics diffi- culties, and which is based on high expectations for students, teachers and schools, has been developed.
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