

  • Cecilia Kilhamn
  • Heidi Strømskag
  • Peter Hästö
  • Yvonne Liljekvist
  • Johan Häggström




Ledare / Editorial


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Hemmi, K., Bråting, K., Liljekvist, Y., Prytz, J., Madej, L. et al. (2018). Characterizing Swedish school algebra -initial findings from analyses of 299 steering documents, textbooks and teachers' discourses. In E. Norén, H. Palmér & A. Cooke (Eds.), Nordic research in mathematics education, papers of NORMA 17 (pp. 299-308). Gothenburg: SMDF.

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Kilhamn, C. & Säljö R. (2019). Encountering algebra. A comparative study of classrooms in Finland Norway, Sweden, and the USA. Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-17577-1

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McMullen, J., Brezovszky, B., Hannula-Sormunen, M. M., Veermans, K., Rodríguez-Aflecht, G. et al., (2017). Adaptive number knowledge and its relation to arithmetic and pre-algebra knowledge. Learning and Instruction, 49, 178-187. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2017.02.001

McMullen, J., Hannula-Sormunen, M. M. & Lehtinen, E. (2017). Spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations as a predictor of rational number and algebra knowledge. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 51, 356-365. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2017.09.007

McMullen, J. & Van Hoof, J. (2020). The role of rational number density knowledge in mathematical development. Learning and Instruction, 65, art. no. 101228. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.101228

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Rystedt, E. (2015). Encountering algebraic letters, expressions and equations: a study of small group discussions in a grade 6 classroom (Licentiate thesis). Faculty of Education, University of Gothenburg.

Rystedt, E., Helenius, O. & Kilhamn, C. (2016). Moving in and out of contexts in collaborative reasoning about equations. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 44, 50-64. doi: 10.1016/j.jmathb.2016.10.002 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmathb.2016.10.002

Silfverberg, H. & Tuominen, A. (2015). Murtoluvun ja lukusuorna pisteen välinen vastaavuus - tyyppillisimpiä virheitä luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden suorituksissa [The correspondence between fractions and points of the number-line - the most typical errors in pre-service elementary school teachers answers]. In H. Sifverberg & P. Hästö (Eds.), Proceedings of the annual FMSERA symposium 2015 (pp.133-142). Turku: Finnish Mathematics and Science Education Association.

Strømskag, H. (2017a). A methodology for instructional design in mathematics - with the generic and epistemic student at the centre. ZDM, 49, 909-921. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-017-0882-4

Strømskag, H. (2017b). Et miljø for algebraisk generalisering og dets innvirkning på studenters matematiske aktivitet. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 22 (2), 71-91.

Wathne, U., Reinhardtsen, J., Borgersen, H. E. & Cestari, M. L. (2019). Designed examples as mediating tools: introductory algebra in two Norwegian grade 8 classrooms. In C. Kilhamn & R. Säljö (Eds.), Encountering algebra: a comparative study of classrooms in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the USA (pp. 71-109). Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-17577-1_5




How to Cite

Kilhamn, C., Strømskag, H., Hästö, P., Liljekvist, Y., & Häggström, J. (2019). Editorial. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 24(3-4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.7146/nomad.v24i3-4.149021


