Peer assessment of mathematical understanding using comparative judgement


  • Ian Jones
  • David Sirl



It is relatively straightforward to assess procedural knowledge and difficult to assess conceptual understanding in mathematics. One reason is that conceptual understanding is better assessed using open-ended test questions that invite an unpredictable variety of responses that are difficult to mark. Recently a technique, called comparative judgement, has been developed that enables the reliable and valid scoring of open-ended tests. We applied this technique to the peer assessment of calculus on a first-year mathematics module. We explored the reliability and criterion validity of the outcomes using psychometric methods and a survey of participants. We report evidence that the assessment activity was reliable and valid, and discuss the strengths and limitations, as well as the practical implications, of our findings.


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How to Cite

Jones, I., & Sirl, D. (2017). Peer assessment of mathematical understanding using comparative judgement. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 22(4), 147–164.


