Characterising undergraduate mathematics teaching across settings and countries: an analytical framework


  • Angeliki Mali
  • Georgia Petropoulou



This paper explores the characteristics of teaching of a sample of university mathematics teachers in two countries, Greece and Great Britain, and in two settings, lectures and tutorials, seeking to identify a common ground for undergraduate mathematics teaching. Our observations of teaching and our sociocultural perspectives enabled us to develop a framework for a detailed description of the observed teaching. The description reveals categories of teaching actions, and the associated tools teachers use in selecting tasks for their students, providing comprehensive explanations, extending students’ mathematical thinking, or evaluating students’ mathematical meaning. The findings are across settings and countries in the direction of a profound understanding of undergraduate mathematics teaching.


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How to Cite

Mali, A., & Petropoulou, G. (2017). Characterising undergraduate mathematics teaching across settings and countries: an analytical framework. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 22(4), 23–42.


