Uncommon vocabulary in mathematical tasks in relation to demand of reading ability and solution frequency


  • Anneli Dyrvold
  • Ewa Bergqvist
  • Magnus Österholm




This study reports on the relation between commonness of the vocabulary used in mathematics tasks and aspects of students’ reading and solving of the tasks. The vocabulary in PISA tasks is analyzed according to how common the words are in a mathematical and an everyday context. The study examines correlations between different aspects of task difficulty and the presence of different types of uncommon vocabulary. The results show that the amount of words that are uncommon in both contexts are most important in relation to the reading and solving of the tasks. These words are not connected to the solution frequency of the task but to the demand of reading ability when solving the task.


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How to Cite

Dyrvold, A., Bergqvist, E., & Österholm, M. (2015). Uncommon vocabulary in mathematical tasks in relation to demand of reading ability and solution frequency. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 20(1), 5–31. https://doi.org/10.7146/nomad.v20i1.148657


