Interference of subtraction strategies


  • Per-Olof Bentley



This study concerns a particular kind of mistake that a number of pupils made when subtracting two positive whole numbers. The aim was to analyse the cause behind this particular mistake. According to the pupils, the difference was equal to the subtrahend. It was found that the pupils counted down to the subtrahend. But instead of finding the answer as the number of steps between the two terms, the pupils applied the last-number-word rule and gave the subtrahend, which was the last mentioned number word, as the result. When seeing subtraction as a concept, it could be assumed that the lack of experience of subtraction as a comparison and as equalization played a decisive role for this mistake. A comparable mistake described in previous research is also analysed.


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How to Cite

Bentley, P.-O. (2012). Interference of subtraction strategies. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 17(1), 55–65.


