Finnish mathematics teacher students’ informal and formal arguing skills in the case of derivative


  • Antti Viholainen



In this study, formal and informal reasoning skills of 146 Finnish subject-teacher students in mathematics are investigated. The students participated in a test in which they were asked to argue two claims concerning derivative both informally and formally. The results show that the success in the formal tasks and the success in the informal tasks were dependent. However, there were several students who did well in the formal tasks despite succeeding poorly in the informal tasks. The success both in the formal tasks and in the informal tasks was dependent also on the amount of passed studies in mathematics and on the success in these studies. Moreover, these factors could have a stronger effect on the formal than on the informal reasoning skills.


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How to Cite

Viholainen, A. (2008). Finnish mathematics teacher students’ informal and formal arguing skills in the case of derivative. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 13(2), 71–92.


