User Interface Technology as a case study: Reducing perceived workload by highlighting congruence between day-to-day work and exam topics


  • Valkyrie Savage


The User Interface Technology (UIT) course at the Department of Computer Science (DIKU) blends lab skills, programming skills, and theoretical analysis in 8 weeks of work on a final group project. Students historically have complained about a too-high workload; by highlighting congruence between day-to-day activities and their final exams and projects through lecture activities, restructuring projects, and providing rubrics, I saw students report the same amount of time spent on coursework (16-24 hours per week for >= 60 % of students) and a lower perceived workload (from 3.8±.73 in 2023 to 3.4±.64 in 2024, both on a 1–5 Likert scale). They also saw greater connections between individual sub-elements in the course (from 3.4±1.15 in 2023 to 3.8±.94 in 2024, also on a 1–5 scale) and gave qualitative feedback supporting the congruence as important. Overall, the intervention appears to have been successful and will be reused and iterated upon in future years.




How to Cite

Savage, V. (2025). User Interface Technology as a case study: Reducing perceived workload by highlighting congruence between day-to-day work and exam topics. Improving University Science Teaching and Learning, 21(1), 12. Retrieved from