Improving University Science Teaching and Learning 2025-03-21T14:04:01+01:00 Frederik V. Christiansen Open Journal Systems <p>Improving University Science Teaching and Learning ( IUSTL ) er et tidsskrift, der udkommer en til fire gange årligt elektronisk med open access. Tidsskriftet har for nærværende deadlines for indsendelse hhv. d. 1. marts og d. 1. oktober, og udkommer mindst én gang årligt (afhængig af antallet af indsendte manuskripeter).</p> <p>Udgivelse i tidsskriftet er gratis.</p> <p>Formålet med serien er at formidle indsigt i forskellige typer af udfordringer og problemer i forbindelse med undervisning og uddannelse som de nye universitetsundervisere møder, og at vise hvordan de behandler problemstillingerne ved brug af universitetspædagogisk forskning på nye og inspirerende måder.</p> User Interface Technology as a case study: Reducing perceived workload by highlighting congruence between day-to-day work and exam topics 2025-03-03T10:12:24+01:00 Valkyrie Savage <p>The User Interface Technology (UIT) course at the Department of Computer Science (DIKU) blends lab skills, programming skills, and theoretical analysis in 8 weeks of work on a final group project. Students historically have complained about a too-high workload; by highlighting congruence between day-to-day activities and their final exams and projects through lecture activities, restructuring projects, and providing rubrics, I saw students report the same amount of time spent on coursework (16-24 hours per week for &gt;= 60 % of students) and a lower perceived workload (from 3.8±.73 in 2023 to 3.4±.64 in 2024, both on a 1–5 Likert scale). They also saw greater connections between individual sub-elements in the course (from 3.4±1.15 in 2023 to 3.8±.94 in 2024, also on a 1–5 scale) and gave qualitative feedback supporting the congruence as important. Overall, the intervention appears to have been successful and will be reused and iterated upon in future years.</p> 2025-03-21T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Valkyrie Savage Reversing the classroom: Flipped Learning for Forensic Medicine´s Legislation Module 2025-03-03T10:15:58+01:00 Sara Tangmose Larsen <p>-</p> 2025-03-21T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Sara Tangmose Larsen Enhancing Congruence in a Complex Course with a Diverse Classroom 2025-03-03T10:18:58+01:00 Hannah Lois Owens <p>-</p> 2025-03-21T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Hannah Lois Owens Enhancing student experience and learning outcomes in a practical pharmacology course 2025-03-03T10:21:45+01:00 Stephanie Andrea Heusser <p>This report reflects on improvements made to a pharmacology course based on student feedback and my teaching experience. Key changes included restructuring the course schedule for clarity, streamlining online materials, and modifying teaching methodologies to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. Initial feedback indicated that students appreciated the revised schedule and materials, while changes in teaching methods improved preparation and engagement during my exercise. While average grades were slightly lower than in previous years, student understanding and satisfaction showed promising improvements, highlighting the potential for continued refinements to the course design.</p> 2025-03-21T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Stephanie Andrea Heusser Increasing student activation by creating a safe learning environment and implementing dialogue based teaching 2025-03-03T10:24:50+01:00 Pia Ryt-Hansen <p>-</p> 2025-03-21T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Pia Ryt-Hansen Designing a rubric for summative assessment and student reference 2025-03-03T10:27:37+01:00 Stine Kjaer Urhoj <p>-</p> 2025-03-21T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Stine Kjaer Urhoj Challenges and opportunities of using an AI chatbot for learning assessment 2025-03-21T13:59:58+01:00 Laura Florez <p>-</p> 2025-03-21T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Laura Florez