Solitary confinement, Section 350, Evin prison in Tehran


  • S M Khodaei


Palabras clave:

Iran, Solitary confinement, Torture


I was born in 1985 in Tehran, Iran. I started my political and human rights activism at university by founding a secular student association and publishing student magazines. Because of this, the university disciplinary committee did not allow me to study for two semesters. I was arrested by intelligence officials in 2008 and spent 38 days in solitary confinement in Evin prison (Tehran). That was the first time I was faced with psychological torture. During the repression after the presidential election in 2009, I was arrested for a second time. It was by the Revolutionary Guards (‘Sepah-e- Pasdaran’) and this time I spent about nine months in solitary confinement. This time marked me in many senses. Finally, because of those two incidents, I was convicted by the Revolutionary Court and sentenced to prison. After about six years in Section 350, Evin Prison, I was freed in 2014.


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Cómo citar

Khodaei, S. M. (2017). Solitary confinement, Section 350, Evin prison in Tehran. Torture Journal, 27(2).