Obstacles to torture rehabilitation at Guantánamo Bay


  • James Connell
  • Alka Pradhan
  • Margaux Lander



Palabras clave:

Torture, International Law, prisoners, Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment, detention, security, rehabilitation, survivors, Guantánamo.


This article sets out the legal duty of the United States of America to provide victims of torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment (CIDT) the right to full rehabilitation under international law, including those still detained at the facility at Guantánamo Bay. After an examination of some of the torture methods used on these detainees, while they were in the custody of the CIA and arguably afterwards, it goes on to indicate the current obstacles to rehabilitation, including on-going incarceration, lack of impunity, classification of medical documents and limited access to non-military staff. Limited options for possible psychological assistance towards the right to rehabilitation are considered.


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Cómo citar

Connell, J., Pradhan, A., & Lander, M. (2017). Obstacles to torture rehabilitation at Guantánamo Bay. Torture Journal, 27(2). https://doi.org/10.7146/torture.v27i2.97219