Protocol on medico-legal documentation of threats


  • Pau Perez-Sales SiR[a]
  • Marie Brasholt Dignity
  • Olena Podolian FORPOST
  • Yulia Honchar FORPOST
  • Ergün University of Oslo
  • Elna Søndergaard DIGNITY - Danish Institute against Torture


Palabras clave:

medico-legal, torture, documentation of torture, threats


Introduction. The use of threats remains prevalent
in law enforcement practices in many
parts of the world. In studies with torture survivors,
credible and immediate threats have
been considered a distinctly harmful method
of torture. Notwithstanding this prevalence,
there is a considerable degree of difficulty in
legally substantiating and establishing harms
produced by threatening acts. It is also generally
difficult to clearly identify the harms
that go beyond the fear and stress inherent
(therefore not unlawful) in law enforcement
practices. We present a Protocol on Medico-
Legal Documentation of Threats. The aim
of the Protocol is to improve documentation
and assessment of harms so that stronger legal
claims can be submitted to local and international
complaints mechanisms.
Methods. The Protocol has been developed
based on a methodology initiated by the Public
Committee against Torture in Israel (PCATI),
REDRESS and the DIGNITY - Danish Institute
against Torture (DIGNITY) involving:
compilation and review of health and legal
knowledge on threats; initial drafting by the
lead author; discussion among the members of
the International Expert Group on Psychological
Torture; pilot-testing in Ukraine by local
NGO Forpost; adjustments were made according
to the results of the pilot study.
Results. We present the final Protocol and
a Quick Interviewing Guide. This Protocol is
cognisant of the significance of the specific
social, cultural, and political contexts in which
threats are made and might be subjected to adaptations
to specific contexts. We hope that it
will improve the documentation of threats as
a torture method or as part of a torturing environment,
as well as inform efforts on their
prevention more broadly.

Biografía del autor/a

Pau Perez-Sales, SiR[a]

Psychiatrist. Clinical Director

Marie Brasholt, Dignity

Medical Director

Olena Podolian, FORPOST


Yulia Honchar, FORPOST

Legal Advisor

Ergün, University of Oslo



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Cómo citar

Perez-Sales, P., Brasholt, M., Podolian, O., Honchar, Y., Ergün, & Søndergaard, E. (2023). Protocol on medico-legal documentation of threats. Torture Journal, 33(1), 54–78.



Special section: forensic documentation of psychological torture