

  • Marie Brasholt Dignity
  • Nora Sveaass Psychologist, Department of Psychology, Oslo University
  • Pau Perez Sales Clinical Director. SiRa Center, Madrid
  • Hugo Marboeuf
  • Ergün Cakal PhD Fellow, Law Faculty, Copenhagen University
  • Elna Søndergaard DIGNITY - Danish Institute against Torture



Palabras clave:

Solitary Confinement, Medico-Legal Documentation, Psychological Torture, Istanbul Protocol


Introduction. This Protocol originates from
a joint project regarding documentation of
psychological torture initiated by the Public
Committee against Torture in Israel (PCATI),
REDRESS and DIGNITY - Danish Institute
Against Torture (DIGNITY) in 2015 after
the Copenhagen Conference on Psychological
Torture. The project is a vehicle to establish
a common understanding between health
and legal professions as to how to best ensure
the most accurate documentation of torture.
The aim of the Protocol is to improve documentation
of solitary confinement and therefore
to clarify the facts of the case so that
stronger legal claims can subsequently be submitted
to local and international complaints
mechanisms. The Protocol has been developed
based on a methodology involving a compilation
and review of legal and health knowledge
on solitary confinement and discussions
among the authors and in a group of international
Methods and Results. This Protocol is
cognisant of the significance of the specific
social, cultural and political contexts in which
solitary confinement is used. We hope that this
Protocol will assist in the discussions between
the various stakeholders and provide guidance
on what can be documented and how to document


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Cómo citar

Brasholt, M., Sveaass, N., Perez Sales, P., Hugo, Cakal, E., & Søndergaard, E. (2023). English. Torture Journal, 33(1), 92–118. https://doi.org/10.7146/torture.v33i1.130739



Special section: forensic documentation of psychological torture