Internet and communications as elements for CIDT and Torture. Initial reflections in an unexplored field


  • Pau Pérez-Sales
  • Laia Serra ICAB


Palabras clave:

ICIT, Internet and Torture


The internet was once seen as a new and definitive window to freedom and a world without torture. There is however, another less obvious but perhaps more notorious side: torturous environments can also be created through the internet; a place where individu- als may be targeted for discrimination, coer- cion or control.There is a dearth of academic research and theoretical developments in this very new area of knowledge and this Edito- rial will review and reflect on various aspects, thereby suggesting possible lines of research.


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Cómo citar

Pérez-Sales, P., & Serra, L. (2020). Internet and communications as elements for CIDT and Torture. Initial reflections in an unexplored field. Torture Journal, 30(1), 5–22.