Torture and Its Definition in International Law—An Interdisciplinary Approach, by Metin Başoğlu


  • Alejandro Moreno Associate Professor of Medicine and Medical Education, Assistant Dean for Clinical Skills Integration, and Director of the Developing Outstanding Clinical Skills Course, University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School


Palabras clave:

torture, ill-treatment, defining torture


Torture and Its Definition in International Law—An Interdisciplinary Approach was edited by Metin Başoğlu, and written by him and another sixteen experts in the medicolegal aspects of torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment (CIDT/P). The book has 506 pages and 16 chapters, which are organised into four parts: “Behavioral Science Perspectives”; “International Law Perspectives”; “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques: Definitional Issues”; and “Discussion and Conclusions”. The book is for health, legal and human rights professionals, beyond just those just working with victims of torture and CIDT/P, and is of interest to those who work with victims of other violent crimes, such as child abuse, interpersonal abuse, and forced displacement. The book raises many important questions.




Cómo citar

Moreno, A. (2019). Torture and Its Definition in International Law—An Interdisciplinary Approach, by Metin Başoğlu. Torture Journal, 29(1), 136–138.