
  • Maria Simonsen Adjunkt, Institut for Kultur og Globale Studier, Aalborg Universitet
  • Laura Skouvig Lektor, Institut for Informationsstudier, Københavns Universitet


Videnshistorie, forskningshistorie, cirkulation, kommunikationskredsløb


In recent years, historians have taken an interest in studies of knowledge and knowledge circulation beyond well-known fields such as the history of ideas or STS-studies, where it often is the intellectual knowledge that is at stake. The history of knowledge seems to have a much broader concept of knowledge. As an academic discipline, the history of knowledge is rooted internationally as well as in our Scandinavian neighbouring country, while it has not yet established itself in Danish history departments. In this article we focus on some of the criticisms that have been put forward against this new field and discuss them from two neighboring disciplines: information history and book history. In the article we introduce the history of knowledge as a research field by presenting key actors and trends. We will elaborate the introduction through a discussion of the critique from information history and book history. In conclusion, we discuss the potential of the history of knowledge and its possible contributions to the field of history in general.


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Simonsen, M., & Skouvig, L. (2020). VIDENSHISTORIE: NYE VEJE I HISTORIEVIDENSKABERNE. Temp - Tidsskrift for Historie, 10(19), 5–26. Hentet fra