digital history, socialhistorie, big data, historisk metode, debatindlægResumé
Om digitale socialhistorier.
Guldi, Jo og David Armitage: History Manifesto, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Hitchcock, Tim: ’A New History from Below’, History Workshop Journal 57 (1), 2004, 294-298.
Hitchcock, Tim og Robert Shoemaker: London Lives: Poverty, Crime and the Making of a Modern City, 1690–1800, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Jensen, Bernard Eric og Anne Birgitte Richard: Livet fortalt, Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 1999.
Mørch, Søren: 25 Statsministre, København, Gyldendal, 2005.
Rabb, Theodore: Enterprise and Empire: Merchant and Gentry Investment in the Expansion of England, 1575-1630, Harvard: Harvard University Press, 1967.
Strandgaard, Helle: ’Digitale arkiver som medskabere i ny historieskrivning’. I Kirsten Drotner og Sara Mosberg Iversen (red.): Digitale metoder: At skabe, analysere og dele data, Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur, 2017, 69-86.
Störmer, C., C. Gellatly, A. Boele, og T. De Moor: ’Long-Term Trends in Marriage Timing and the Impact of Migration, the Netherlands (1650-1899)’, Historical Life Course Studies 6, 2017, 40-68.
Thompson, E. P.: ’Anthropology and the Discipline of Historical Context’, Midland History 1, 1972, 41-55.
Ågren, Maria (red.): Making a Living, Making a Difference: Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Hitchcock, Tim: ’A New History from Below’, History Workshop Journal 57 (1), 2004, 294-298.
Hitchcock, Tim og Robert Shoemaker: London Lives: Poverty, Crime and the Making of a Modern City, 1690–1800, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Jensen, Bernard Eric og Anne Birgitte Richard: Livet fortalt, Roskilde: Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 1999.
Mørch, Søren: 25 Statsministre, København, Gyldendal, 2005.
Rabb, Theodore: Enterprise and Empire: Merchant and Gentry Investment in the Expansion of England, 1575-1630, Harvard: Harvard University Press, 1967.
Strandgaard, Helle: ’Digitale arkiver som medskabere i ny historieskrivning’. I Kirsten Drotner og Sara Mosberg Iversen (red.): Digitale metoder: At skabe, analysere og dele data, Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur, 2017, 69-86.
Störmer, C., C. Gellatly, A. Boele, og T. De Moor: ’Long-Term Trends in Marriage Timing and the Impact of Migration, the Netherlands (1650-1899)’, Historical Life Course Studies 6, 2017, 40-68.
Thompson, E. P.: ’Anthropology and the Discipline of Historical Context’, Midland History 1, 1972, 41-55.
Ågren, Maria (red.): Making a Living, Making a Difference: Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Heinsen, J., & Brock, A. L. (2019). DIGITALE SOCIALHISTORIER. Temp - Tidsskrift for Historie, 9(18), 190–201. Hentet fra
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