Det negative omslag i ‘Aldrig igen!’ – om historiepolitiske manipulationer af moralske imperativer


  • Ditte Marie Munch Hansen



Politics of History, Theodor W. Adorno, Ethics of Memory, Moral Philosophy, Genocide Prevention


In Negative Dialektik, Theodor W. Adorno claimed that after the Second World War a new categorical imperative was imposed on mankind: namely, to prevent Auschwitz – or something similar – from happening again. Today – 60 years after the United Nations Genocide Convention came into effect – it is difficult to remain optimistic about the preventive character of Adorno’s “Never Again!” imperative. In spite of its existence, the second half of the 20th Century was filled with ethnic violence and
genocide. This article undertakes a philosophical analysis of the “Never Again!” refrain and questions whether this new imperative is as preventive as we assume. The analysis looks at how Serbian nationalism used (and misused) history and expressions as “Never again!”. This example shows us that the impulse of moral abhorrence in “Never again!” does not necessarily lead to preventing atrocity, but can be an incitement to initiate new ones.




How to Cite

Hansen, D. M. M. (2018). Det negative omslag i ‘Aldrig igen!’ – om historiepolitiske manipulationer af moralske imperativer. Slagmark - Tidsskrift for idéhistorie, (60), 41–52.