Resiliens, normativitet og sårbarhed




resilience, vulnerability, normativity, victim, natality


Does the critical discourse about resilience reiterate the problematic dichotomy between suffering and agency that the concept of resilience inscribes? In this discussion piece, I engage with Brad Evans’ and Julian Reid’s reflections on resilience. Although I share with Evans and Reid a normative critique of resilience, I am critical of their discussion of vulnerability. Rather than arguing that vulnerability precludes political transformation, as Evans and Reid do, or that vulnerability enables political coalition, as in Judith Butler’s account of precarity, one should ask: how is vulnerability framed? I argue for framing vulnerability through a critical theory of the victim which explores the interconnections between injurability and agency rather than treating them as oppositional terms.


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Schott, R. M., & Jørgensen, oversætter, E. K. (2018). Resiliens, normativitet og sårbarhed. Slagmark - Tidsskrift for idéhistorie, (73), 103–115.


