Kig ned! – Mod en žižekiansk klasseteori
Antagonism, Capitalist logic, Class theory, Communism, Slavoj ŽižekResumé
In this text I outline the basics of what I perceive to be a fruitful, modern class theory. The article is written as a supplement to the ongoing efforts of revitalizing the concept of communism, made by philosophers such as Alain Badiou, Slavoj Žižek, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. By taking a clear Žižekian standpoint in the text, I focus on the fundamental split of society – the trauma caused by capitalist ideology – and investigate its outcome: the onto-political positions, that follow both the structure of Greimas’ semiotic square (as described vaguely by Žižek), and the lines of Lacanian psychological profiles.Downloads
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