At opleve krig i Danmark - et essay
Essay, War Experience, War Memories, Danish Fortifications, Copenhagen War MuseumResumé
How does an individual experience war in Denmark? The author leaves her TV and looks for war and military defences in the city of Copenhagen. The journey takes her to the Museum of Weapons and Defense (the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries), the Copenhagen Fortification (end of 19th century), and to a subterranean fortress from the Cold War. She asks whether there is peace in Denmark, while we are at war in Afghanistan. She comments on Danish soldiers abroad and veterans and “the secret war on terror”. How do we experience this “war” and how does the civilian experience this “war”? Throughout the essay, the author reflects and comments on different types of war in Danish past and present and, in the end, on the status of the civilian in present wars and conflicts.
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