Coping with external stressors in handball and football elite refereeing: The relationship with referee efficacy


  • Bjørn Tore Johansen University of Agder
  • Tommy Haugen University of Agder
  • Martin Kjeøen Erikstad University of Agder



Referee Self-Efficacy Scale, Decision-Making, Social Pressure, Team Sport Referees


This study investigated the association between referee efficacy and self-reported coping with external stressors among elite handball and football referees. The participants were 224 Norwegian elite referees of handball (n = 111, m age = 35.3 years, 13.5% females) and football (113, m age = 30.8 years, 8% females) who had been referees for an average of 14.4 years (sd = 7.77 years; min: 4, max: 37) and a referee at the present level for 6.8 years (sd = 6.20 years, min: 1, max: 32). Referee self-efficacy was measured using the Norwegian version of the Referee Self-Efficacy Scale. Self-reported coping with external stressors was measured using responses to statements related to the referee’s self-perceived decision-making process in the presence of several sources of external stressors. Referee self-efficacy was positively associated with coping with external stressors (b = .24 (se = .11), p = .021). Football referees reported higher levels of coping with external stressors (b = .28 (se = .08), p = .001) than handball referees, and the number of years of elite refereeing was positively related to coping with external stressors. The findings provide evidence of a positive relationship between referee efficacy and coping with external stressors when making decisions.


Keywords: Referee Self-Efficacy Scale, decision-making, social pressure, team sport referees


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How to Cite

Johansen, B. T., Haugen, T., & Kjeøen Erikstad, M. (2022). Coping with external stressors in handball and football elite refereeing: The relationship with referee efficacy. Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 4(1), 20–26.



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