
  • Struktur: Begejstring -- Festskrift for Hans J. Lundager Jensen
    Årg. 1 Nr. 1 (2022)

    Nu findes festskriftet for Professor Hans J. Lundager Jensen også online! I det første nummer i vores nye monografiserie – Religionsvidenskabelig Skriftrække (RvS) – diskuterer og hylder diverse bidragsydere en vifte af emner der relaterer sig til Hans Jørgens forskning, undervisning og formidling i og af religionsvidenskab og Gammel Testamente. Denne udgave af festskriftet indeholder en par tilføjelser og revisioner fra den trykte udgave, herunder Jette Bendixen Rønkilde og Elof Westergaards artikel ”Brugervejledning til Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensens Gudstjeneste-App” og en redigeret udgave af Hans Jørgens egen fratrædelsesforelæsning ” Fra strukturalisme til kulturel evolution: Fratrædelsesforelæsning: Religionsvidenskab 1970’erne-2022”.


  • Disparate Ontologies? Revisiting Descola’s Ontological Schema among Northern Societies
    Årg. 2 Nr. 2 (2023)

    Disparate Ontologies? Takes a critical look at Philippe Descola’s four-field anthropological model for ontologies among hunter-gatherer societies. Descola’s model juxtaposes animism, totemism, analogism, and naturalism as reflecting different expressions of interiority and physicality and queries those four ontological concepts as comparative units of analysis. While Descola’s Beyond Nature and Culture (2013) was a ground-breaking exploration of ontological ethnology and anthropological theory, the present work questions whether animism and totemism should be considered as comparable units in cross-cultural anthropological studies. Disparate Ontologies? focuses on the interpretive suitability of the concepts of animism and totemism as comparable variables in comparative analysis by investigating a sample of traditional indigenous societies from the northernmost Northern Hemisphere. The work focuses on ethnographic examples of animism and totemism, as well as cyclical rebirth eschatology and forms of perspectivism in an attempt to provide insights into the similarities and differences of ontological reckonings among diverse peoples across the North.