Experiencing Change: Rhythms of Everyday Life Between Continuities and Disruptions





change, rhythmanalysis, ruptures, social change, meaning-making, life-course


Change is a constant condition of everyday life that we experience and transition through while often maintaining a sense of stability and continuity. But inevitably we come across disruptive changes that call into question the meanings we take for granted and thereby rupture life as we know it. How do those changes affect our rhythms of living? How do we make meaning of the changes and subsequently act upon them? How do individual, social, and environmental changes reciprocally influence one another? These are the guiding questions of this paper. The questions are explored by means of a sociocultural psychological approach to ruptures in the life-course coupled with Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis. It is argued that those questions can be investigated within five interrelated analytical domains; time, space, the body, social others, and symbolic resources. Rather than primarily emphasizing adaptation to change, the analytical framework’s key focus is meaning-making, looking at how we integrate or resist new rhythms in our lives.

Author Biography

Sarah H. Awad

Sarah H. Awad is Assistant Professor in general psychology at Aalborg University, Denmark. She received her PhD in Cultural Psychology from Aalborg University and her M.Sc. in social and cultural psychology from London School of Economics and Political Science. In her research, she explores the processes by which individuals develop through times of life ruptures and social change using art and storytelling. She has also a special interest in visual methods and the analysis of urban images and their influence on identity, collective memory and politics within a society.


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How to Cite

Awad, S. H. . (2021). Experiencing Change: Rhythms of Everyday Life Between Continuities and Disruptions. Qualitative Studies, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.7146/qs.v6i2.127314



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