Introduktion: temanummer om administrative byrder
Baekgaard, Martin, Matthias Döring og Mette Kjærgaard Thomsen (2023). It’s not merely about the content: How rules are communicated matters to administrative burden. Public Administration Review.
Baekgaard, Martin, Pamela Herd og Donald P. Moynihan (2023). Of “welfare queens” and “poor Carinas”: Social constructions, deservingness messaging and the mental health of welfare clients. British Journal of Political Science 53 (2): 594-612.
Baekgaard, Martin, Donald P. Moynihan og Mette Kjærgaard Thomsen (2021). Why do policymakers support administrative burdens? The roles of deservingness, political ideology, and personal experience. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 31 (1): 184-200.
Barnes, Carolyn og Virginia Riel (2022). “I don’t know nothing about that”: How “learning costs” undermine COVID-related efforts to make SNAP and WIC more accessible. Administration & Society 54 (10): 1902-30.
Bell, Elizabeth og Katharine Meyer (2024). Does reducing street-level bureaucrats’ workload enhance equity in program access? Evidence from burdensome college financial aid programs. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 34 (1): 16-38.
Bell, Elizabeth, Ani Ter‐Mkrtchyan, Wesley Wehde og Kylie Smith (2021). Just or unjust? How ideological beliefs shape street‐level bureaucrats’ perceptions of administrative burden. Public Administration Review 81 (4): 610–24.
Bell, Elizabeth, Julian Christensen, Pamela Herd og Donald P. Moynihan (2023). Health in citizen‐state interactions: How physical and mental health problems shape experiences of administrative burden and reduce take-up. Public Administration Review 83 (2): 385-400.
Bisgaard, Mette (2023). Dealing with bureaucracy: Measuring citizens’ bureaucratic self-efficacy. International Review of Public Administration 28 (1): 45-63.
Boost, Didier, Peter Raeymaeckers, Koen Hermans og Sara Elloukmani (2021). Overcoming non-take-up of rights: A realist evaluation of integrated rights-practices. Journal of Social Work 21 (4): 831–52.
Bækgaard, Martin og Tara Tankink (2022). Administrative burden: Untangling a bowl of conceptual spaghetti. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 5: 16-21.
Cecchini, Mathilde (2024). ”Jeg var bange for, hvad jeg gik i møde” – en analyse af borgeres oplevelse af uvished i mødet med kontanthjælpssystemet. Politica 56 (4): 361-384.
Chudnovsky, Mariana og Rik Peeters (2020). The unequal distribution of administrative burden: A framework and an illustrative case study for understanding variation in people’s experience of burdens. Social Policy & Administration 55 (4): 527-542.
Daigneault, Pierre-Marc (2024). Reconceptualizing administrative burden around onerous experiences. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 7 (4): 124-136.
Daigneault, Pierre-Marc og Christian Macé (2020). Program awareness, administrative burden, and non-take-up of Québec’s supplement to the work premium. International Journal of Public Administration 43 (6): 527-539.
Döring, Matthias og Jonas Krogh Madsen (2022). Mitigating psychological costs: The role of citizens’ administrative literacy and social capital. Public Administration Review 82 (4): 671-681.
Gilad, Sharon og Michaela Assouline (2024). Citizens’ choice to voice in response to administrative burdens. International Public Management Journal 27 (1): 38-59.
Halling, Aske (2024). Administrative byrder i mødet med lægen: oplevelser af efterlevelses-omkostninger blandt borgere med dårligt helbred. Politica 56 (4): 318-336.
Halling, Aske og Martin Baekgaard (2024). Administrative burden in citizen-state interactions: A systematic literature review. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 34 (2): 180-195.
Heinrich, Carolyn J. (2016). The bite of administrative burden: A theoretical and empirical investigation. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 26 (3): 403-420.
Herd, Pamela (2023). Improving older adults’ health by reducing administrative burden. The Milbank Quarterly 101 (S1): 507-531.
Herd, Pamela og Donald P. Moynihan (2018). Administrative burden: Policymaking by other means. Chicago: Russell Sage Foundation.
Herd, Pamela og Donald Moynihan (2024). Gendered administrative burden: Regulating gendered bodies, labor, and identity. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
Jenkins, Jade Marcus og Tutrang Nguyen (2022). Keeping kids in care: Reducing administrative burden in state child care development fund policy. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 32 (1): 23–40.
Lindgren, Ida, Christian Østergaard Madsen, Sara Hofmann og Ulf Melin (2019). Close encounters of the digital kind: A research agenda for the digitalization of public services. Government Information Quarterly 36 (3): 427-436.
Linos, Elizabeth, Lisa T. Quan og Elspeth Kirkman (2020). Nudging early reduces administrative burden: Three field experiments to improve code enforcement. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 39 (1): 243-265.
Madsen, Christian Østergaard og Morten Hjelholt (2024). Digitalisering og administrative byrder. Politica 56 (4): 296-317.
Masood, Ayesha og Muhammad Azfar Nisar (2021). Administrative capital and citizens’ responses to administrative burden. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 31 (1): 56-72.
Mikkelsen, Kim Sass, Jonas Krogh Madsen og Martin Baekgaard (2024). Is stress among street‐level bureaucrats associated with experiences of administrative burden among clients? A multilevel study of the Danish unemployment sector. Public Administration Review 84 (2): 248-260.
Nielsen, Helle Ørsted og Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen (2024). Jo større administrative byrder, desto mere bliver det, som myndighederne siger … Vi orker ikke andet. Eller? Politica 56 (4): 337-360.
Nielsen, Vibeke Lehmann, Helle Ørsted Nielsen og Mette Bisgaard (2020). Citizen reactions to bureaucratic encounters: Different ways of coping with public authorities. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 31 (2): 381-398.
Petersen, Ole Helby (2024). Virksomheders administrative byrder i offentlige udbud. Politica 56 (4): 385-413.
Ray, Victor, Pamela Herd og Donald Moynihan (2023). Racialized burdens: Applying racialized organization theory to the administrative state. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 33 (1): 139-152.
Sievert, Martin og Jonas Bruder (2024). Unpacking the effects of burdensome state actions on citizens’ policy perceptions. Public Administration 102 (3): 915-935.
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