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Essentially Contested

Performative Transgression in and around The Wastefulness Commission 2021 by


  • Siemke Bönisch



transgression, performativity, The Wastefulness Commission 2021, Morten Traavik,, hypertheatre, public sphere, theatre scandal, independent performing arts, Norway


In this article, I examine performative transgression in, and interwoven with, The Wastefulness Commission 2021 by Launched by Morten Traavik in December 2019, the so-called hypertheatre project evolved into a big national theatre scandal during the process from the announcement to the realization of two stage performances in 2021 (Part 1 Vestland: 14 May at Ole Bull Scene in Bergen/Norway; Part 2 Viken: 22 June at Drammens Teater in Drammen/Norway), and beyond. The project caused heated conflict within the performing arts field in Norway that spread into the cultural public sphere where it is still virulent at the time of writing. In the article, I first present a theoretical framing concerning performativity and transgression bound to the question of efficacy of performances and the relation between theatre and the public sphere before I move to the case. In the reading of the case, I apply a multiscale-approach, combining micro- and macro-perspectives. I examine how Traavik activates and performatively reconfigures pre-existing cultural and political controversies concerning the experimental performing arts in Norway. Further, I discuss the scandalizing dynamics through the perspective of performative transgression and account for how the question of framing and contextualization is part of the contentious cultural processes. Finally, I focus on one of the stage performances and the performative practice of re-enactment.


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The Wastefulness Commission 2021: Part 2 Viken. 2021. in cooperation with Kulturytring Norge. Team: Cathrine Ahlsen, Bhupendronathro, Morten Grønvigh, Kine Grindheim Haukeland, Nina Exposito Holmen,, Luba Kuzovnikova, Ronald Kvernmo, Vegard Lemme, Birk Nygård, Shabana Rehman, Espen Skorstad, Tina Solberg, Are Søberg, Jørgen Træen, Jan-Ove Tuv, Morten Traavik, Valnoir,, Årabrot. Guests: Julian Blaue, Anders Eng, Silje Hjemdal, Cornelius Jakhelln, Kjetil Korslund, Luxus Leverpostei, Borgar Lorvik, Wenche Martinsen, Kammerkoret NOVA, Rolf-Erik Nystrøm, Olav Staal Aanderaa, Juliana Venter, Magnus Vanebo, G&T Waste Management. 22.6.2021, Drammens Teater, Drammen. TV-production by M12 Kultur. Full video documentation/TV-production of the stage performance (03:02:24): Sløserikommisjonen 2: Judgement Day (18.3.2023).

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How to Cite

Bönisch , S. (2024). Essentially Contested: Performative Transgression in and around The Wastefulness Commission 2021 by Nordic Theatre Studies, 35(1), 54–66.



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