From Permanent Positions to Visiting Jobs

The Changing Working Culture in Finnish Theatres


  • Marjatta Häti-Korkeila
  • Laura Gröndahl Theatre Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki



The transition to a freelance employment policy from permanent working contracts has had various repercussions on artistic practices in Finnish theatres. This article examines the changes that have taken place in the working culture of statutory funded institutional theatre since the early 1990s, focusing on the shifting roles and positions of directors, dramaturges, producers, and artistic managers. The research material consists of theatre statistics, interviews, and public discussions in the theatre field presented mainly in trade magazines and seminar minutes. Although the theatres still have a significant number of permanently employed artists, the percentage of short-term visits has steadily increased. This goes especially for directors and dramaturges, who mainly focus only on their own productions and do not participate in the long-term development of the theatres’ repertoires or artistic strategies as a whole. It is hard to create ongoing ensemble work and a spirit of a working community when a significant part of the artistic staff keeps constantly changing. In small and medium-sized theatres, the managers are now responsible for the artistic leadership without any collegial support of permanently engaged directors and dramaturges. They usually have to direct plays or undertake dramaturgical work without compensation, even if they do not have a proper education or experience in that field. In the changing economic conditions, the role of a producer has gained importance in planning and leading theatre activities and production work. This puts more emphasis on organizational, financial, and marketing issues than previously. Current priorities are now focussed on a high standard of artistic programming and the nurturing of public interest.

Author Biographies

Marjatta Häti-Korkeila

Marjatta Häti-Korkeila, PhD. Her practical research experience comes mainly from two art universities. At the University of Arts and Design (Aalto University), she developed the Research Institute and led its activities. At the Theatre Academy (University of the Arts Helsinki), she worked as the manager of the Continuing Education Centre as well as on many international projects and international organisations. She wrote her thesis about theatre management at the University of Helsinki. Marjatta has been the chair of the Theatre Research Society and the editor-in-chief of its research journal Teatteri ja media (Theatre and media). She has also led and taken part in several editorial boards, edited books, published articles, and presented papers in seminars and conferences mainly about theatre, arts education, industrial arts, and continuing education.

Laura Gröndahl, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki

Dr of Arts Laura Gröndahl works as a university lecturer at the Performing Arts Research Centre in the Theatre Academy of the University of Arts, Helsinki. She holds the title of docent in theatre research at Helsinki University. Besides Nordic Theatre Studies, she has edited books and published several articles mainly in the fields of scenography and documentary theatre. She has worked in different positions at many Finnish universities and as a stage and costume designer at various Finnish theatres.


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How to Cite

Häti-Korkeila, M., & Gröndahl, L. (2018). From Permanent Positions to Visiting Jobs: The Changing Working Culture in Finnish Theatres. Nordic Theatre Studies, 30(1), 89–114.



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