Path Dependency in Theatre Funding

Venues and their Impact on Dance Productions in Estonia


  • Heili Einasto University of Tallinn
  • Evelin Lagle Tartu University Viljandi Culture Academy



Contemporary dance, path dependency, theatre and dance funding


Estonian contemporary dance emerged in the early 1990s outside established theatre institutions. Since then, it has existed in a project-based format, which means that though dance artists can receive funding for preparing projects, there is no financial support for facilities needed for everyday practice outside or between the projects. The type of venues available for practicing contemporary dance has an impact on choreographic practice presented for the public, even if that dimension often remains invisible.
Funding policy, like other policies, is greatly affected by the historical legacy of a particular policy (that is, path dependent), and the same can be claimed about choreographic practice. Therefore, in order to understand why a certain policy or practice prevails and is resistant to change even if it becomes problematic, it is necessary to look at the beginning of the path. In the present article, the history of theatre and dance funding in Estonia is taken as an example to discuss how that history affects the present in terms of choices by dance practitioners. Though Estonia is taken as an example, the situation is far from unique and therefore can serve as a case for analyzing similar situations in other countries.

Author Biographies

Heili Einasto, University of Tallinn

Heili Einasto, currently working in Tallinn University as a lecturer of dance and ballet history, obtained her first degree in history, then did her master's in gender studies in Central European University, Budapest, and later her PhD in cultural studies in Tallinn University. She has also studied social policy in Turku University and written about maternity policy in Estonia. Heili Einasto has been dance critic since 1991, published a book on modern dance history (2000) and on Estonian ballet traditions (2018), as well as collaborated with Estonian choreographer Mai Murdmaa on the latter's autobiography. She has often

Evelin Lagle, Tartu University Viljandi Culture Academy

Evelin Lagle, currently lecturer of dance history in Tartu University Viljandi Culture Academy where she obtained her primary dance education, obtained her MA in choreography in Tallinn University. She has been writing dance criticism since the mid-2000s. She is also curator of dance residencies in Viljandi Koidu Community House.


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How to Cite

Einasto, H., & Lagle, E. (2018). Path Dependency in Theatre Funding: Venues and their Impact on Dance Productions in Estonia. Nordic Theatre Studies, 30(1), 55–71.



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