Autokommunikation. Hvad er det?


  • Jan Foght Mikkelsen Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, Roskilde Universitet



auto-communication, status-update, magic of the media,, magic of the media, self-corroborating, commercials, Facebook


Auto-communication is communication directed to the sender himself or herself, but communicated via the
outside world in an external media with a self-corroborating function. Auto-communication is an overlooked
phenomenon in media and communication research. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine the
phenomenon of auto-communication as a special type of communication by stating its specific textual traits and
its function for the sender: to stimulate the self-esteem and to confirm the identity. The article distinguishes
between an unreflected auto-communication and a planned and strategic use of auto-communication. Autocommunication
exists on an organizatorial level, for example, in self-referential and inside advertisings which are
irrelevant to the consumer. Auto-communication also exists on an individual level, for example in personal
updatings on Facebook, which are only relevant to the sender because of the egocentric, superficial and trivial
character of the content.


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Mikkelsen, J. F. (2019). Autokommunikation. Hvad er det?. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab Og Kulturformidling, 8(1), 22–35.


