Svensk-Dansk Ordbog – tradition og fornyelse
At present, the Society for Danish Language and Literature is preparing a new largescaled
Swedish-Danish dictionary comprising about 50,000 entries. This paper explores
the functionalities of the dictionary, the lemma selection and the structure of the entries
from the perspective of lexicographic tradition and innovation. First and foremost, the
dictionary is to be a L2-L1 reading comprehension dictionary for Danish users, either for
consultation on specific comprehension or translation problems, or for general information
on Swedish language. The lemma selection is made on the basis of occurrences in
various monolingual Swedish dictionaries and bilingual Swedish-Danish dictionaries as
well as electronically accessible text banks. Finally, three example entries are presented to
demonstrate how the dictionary will provide information about Swedish language on a
broader basis than traditionally done by internordic bilingual dictionaries.
Nordisk Forening for Leksikografi/NSL og forfatterne.