Norsk Ordbok på nett: Utfordringar og løysingar
e-leksikografi, eittspråklege ordbøker, søkjemekanismar, dialektordbøkerResumé
Norsk Ordbok (abbreviated NO) is a scientific dictionary covering Norwegian in its written Nynorsk form and all spoken dialects. The dictionary is under production and will be finished in 12 volumes in 2014. The work on NO began in 1930, and the first volume was published in 1966. From 2002 the project organization NO 2014 has been working towards the completion of the dictionary, all the time on the premise that the final product will be a printed dictionary. Over the last few years a growing number of dictionaries have been published in an electronic format on the World Wide Web – either as a supplement to or an alternative to a printed edition. We see a development where more and more lexicographical products are exclusively published in an electronic form. This format renders possible a more user-friendly search functionality and more flexible ways of displaying dictionary entries. In addition, the format makes it fairly easy to link lexicographical resources with other existing, relevant electronic resources (cartographic data, source texts, encyclopaedic resources etc.). We at NO 2014 would also like to publish our dictionary electronically, but we have found ourselves faced with certain lexicographical challenges that have to be looked into in more detail. In this article we discuss some of the problems encountered in the work on the online version of NO, with particular emphasis on search mechanisms.
Nordisk Forening for Leksikografi/NSL og forfatterne.