Norm Critical Projects in Swedish School Librarian Practices


  • Ulrika Centerwall The Swedish school of library and information science, Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT, University of Borås
  • Lill Langelotz Faculty of Education, Department of Education and Special Education, University of Gothenburg



education, Sweden, critical pedagogy, democracy, gender, LGBTQ , Scandinavia, norm critique, theory of practice architectures, sexuality, school librarian


In this article, we explore the practices of school librarians with a specific focus on norm critical pedagogy, a distinctively Scandinavian concept with a basis in critical pedagogies. In Sweden, norm critique is a practice, a pedagogy and a discourse. Our article offers examples of school librarian practices that deal with issues of sexuality and gender conceptualized in their work with LGBTQ+ literature from a norm critical perspective.  We analysed semi-structured interviews with eight librarians in four secondary and upper secondary schools through the lens of the theory of practice architectures (Kemmis & Grootenboer, 2008). Our findings demonstrate how the norm critical practices of school librarians are enabled and constrained by arrangements within the school site, as well as by management, colleagues and professional learning practices. The projects carried out by school librarians that employ norm critical perspectives are both strengthened and challenged by collaboration with principals and other education professionals at the school site. When teachers challenge the views of librarians, they the latter have to re-think and re-negotiate normative positions. Hence, norm critical thinking is not only taught but also practiced in the everyday work in school libraries.  This article argues that these norm critical perspectives and the librarians’ practices represent important contributions to the democratic assignment of Swedish schools.


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2022-12-30 — Updated on 2023-01-20


How to Cite

Centerwall, U., & Langelotz, L. (2023). Norm Critical Projects in Swedish School Librarian Practices. Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies, 3(2), 16–32. (Original work published December 30, 2022)