Podcast – Commentary journalism in a digital public


  • Lisbeth Morlandstø Nord University
  • Birgit Røe Mathisen Nord University




Podcast, Commentary journalism, Columnist, Digital Public, Dialogue


The internet and digital platforms provide commentary- and opinion-based journalism with new opportunities to develop into new digital formats, such as podcasts. This article is based on the case studies of four Norwegian podcasts in 2020 and 2021. The findings show that commentary journalism in the form of podcasts has an obvious dual purpose: as publicity and as a commercial. The podcast facilitates a societal mission for the public while creating branded goods for the companies involved. Based on the material and the categories we had constructed, we developed a set of binaries that, understood as typologies, capture important dimensions of the differences between the podcasts. These binaries are monologue vs. dialogue, factual vs. personal, reflexive vs. assertive, and intellectual discussants vs. experts. In the article, we discuss how podcasts draw commentary journalism in a dialogical direction. We also discuss what impact this has upon public reasoning and the democratic role of commentary journalism.  


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How to Cite

Morlandstø, L., & Mathisen, B. R. (2022). Podcast – Commentary journalism in a digital public. Journalistica, 16(1), 61–83. https://doi.org/10.7146/journalistica.v16i1.128840



Special Issue: Exploring The Boundaries Of Nordic Journalism (NordMedia Conference 2021 Special Issue)