Et melopoetisk greb på Grundtvigsalmen


  • Lea Wierød



A Melopoetic Approach to Grundtvig’s Hymns
The church hymns written by N.F.S. Grundtvig are simultaneously poems,
theological statements and music, but they have predominantly been
the subjects of theological research and, to a lesser extent, literary research.
Musicological research has avoided literary critique of the texts of hymns
and, as a result, has nearly reduced itself to a theological-literary subdiscipline.
Hymn scholarship maintains an underlying logocentricsm, which
follows conceptions of the text as the actual hymn and the melody as its
subsidiary facilitator. These conceptions are implicit in the use of the genitive
in the phrase “Grundtvig’s church hymns.” However, this perspective
can be defended neither on the basis of Grundtvig’s own hymnological
poetics or through contemporary aesthetic theories about how signification
is produced in medially mixed utterances, like the church hymn.
In this article the author seeks to question the place of church hymns in
hierarchies of word-music by shifting focus from the issue of “to what
degree does this particular melody redeem Grundtvig’s text” to “what significance
is produced from the merging of words and melody in the hymn
during its situational utterance”.



Værker af Grundtvig

– (1828), “Thomas Kingos Salmer og aandelige Sange” i Theologisk Maanedsskrift,

Kobenhavn, A. G. Rudelbaach, 1-36.

–(1851), “Alt hvad som Fuglevinger fik” i C.J, Brandt og R.Th. Fenger (red.)

(1851), Dansk Kirketidende VI, nr. 36, Kobenhavn, J. C. Scharling.


Et melopoetisk greb pa Grundtvigsalmen

Værker af andre forfattere

Albrecht, Christoph (1987/1973), Einfürung in die Hymnologie, Gottingen,

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Arnholtz, Arthur (1952), “Grundtvigs salmer og deres melodier” i Grundtvig-

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Auken, Sune (2014): “Meget, meget lille genreteori” i Sune Auken & Christel Sunesen

(red.) (2014), Ved Lejlighed. Grundtvig og genrerne, Kobenhavn, Spring,


Birkedal-Barfod, Ludvig (1914), Menighedens Melodier I–I, Kobenhavn, Wilhelm


Borum, Poul (1983), Digteren Grundtvig, Kobenhavn, Gyldendal.

Jensen, Th. Borup og K. E. Bugge (1972), Salmen som lovsang og litteratur I-II,

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Kassel, Barenreiter, 300-305 (uddrag).

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Kirke-Salmebog. Fest-Salmer, Kobenhavn, E.L. Thaarup.

Kjargaard, Jorgen (2013), Salmehåndbog I-II, Kobenhavn, Kgl. Vajsenhus’ Forlag.

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Lea Wierod


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vurdering af melodivalget før og nu til N.F.S. Grundtvigs a-salmer i Den danske

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Pedersen, Kim Arne (2003), “Den teologiske Grundtvigforskning siden anden

verdenskrig”, i Hanne Sanders og Ole Vind (red.) (2003), Grundtvig. Nyckeln

till det danska?, Goteborg, Makadam, 150-179.

Petersen, Nils Holger (1996), “Liturgy and Musical Composition” i Studia Theologica,

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i Transfiguration, 1, 7-19.

Rung, Henrik (1868), Tillæg til Weyses Choralbog. 2. betydelig forøgede Opl., Kobenhavn,

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Tarasti, Eero (2002), Signs of Music. A Guide to Musical Semiotics, Berlin, Mouton

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How to Cite

Wierød, L. (2017). Et melopoetisk greb på Grundtvigsalmen. Grundtvig-Studier, 66(1), 175–190.


