A Few Words about the Recently Published Anglo-Saxon Poem, the First Edition of Beowulf.


  • Mark Bradshaw Busbee




Translated and Annotated



Works by Grundtvig

– (1815) “Et Par Ord om det nys udkomne angelsaxiske Digt” in Nyeste Skilderieaf Kjøbenhavn 60, 1815, cols 945-952; 63, cols 998-1002; 64, cols 1009-1015; 65, cols 1025-1030; 66, cols. 1045-1047.

– (1 815), “Nok et Par Ord om Bjovulfs Drape” in Nyeste Skilderie af Kjøbenhavn 70, cols 1105-1109; 71, cols 1121-1125; 72, cols 1139-1144.

– (1817), “Om Bjowulfs Drape eller det af Hr. Etatsraad Thorkelin 1815 udgivne angelsachsiske Digt” in Danne-Virke II, 207-289.Mark Bradshaw Busbee 34

Works by other authors

Anon (1815), “[Anmeldelse af De Danorum Rebus Gestis]”, Dansk Litteratur-Tidende (1815), 26-27, 401-462.

Bjork, Robert E. (1996), “Grímur Jónsson Thorkelin’s Preface to the First Edition of Beowulf”, Scandinavian Studies 68 (1996), 291–320.

Bradley, S.A.J. (2008), A Life Recalled: An Anthology of Biographical Source-Texts, Aarhus, Aarhus University Press.

Campbell, Alistair (ed) (1962), The Chronicle of Æthelweard, London, Nelson.

Cooley, Franklin D. (1940), “Early Danish Criticism of Beowulf”, English Literary History 7 (1940), 45–67.

Fulk, R.D., Robert E. Bjork and John D. Niles (ed). (2008),

Klaeber’s Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg, 4th ed. (1922), Torronto, Buffalo and London, University of Toronto Press.

Gibson, Edmund (1692), Chronicon Saxonicum: Seu Annales Rerum in Anglia Praecipue Gestarum, Oxford, Theatro Sheld.

Gram, Hans (1743-4), Prøve af Danske Ord og Talemaader af det Engel-Saxishe Sprog forklarede, København, Det Kgl. Vajsenhus Forlag.

Haarder, Andreas (1988), “The Seven Beowulf Reviewers: Latest or Last Identifications”, English Studies 69 (1988), 289-292.
– (1975), Beowulf: the Appeal of a Poem, København, Akademisk Forlag.

Hall, J. R. (1996), “The First Two Editions of Beowulf: Thorkelin’s (1815) and Kemble’s (1833)”, The Editing of Old English: Papers from the 1990 Manchester Conference, edited by D. G. Scragg and Paul E. Szarmach, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 239–250.

Hollander, Lee M. (1990), “The Lay of Hyndla”, The Poetic Edda, Austin, Texas, University of Texas Press.

Langebek, Jacob (1774), “Ælnoth’s Hist. S. Canuti Regis,” Scriptores Rerum Danicarum Medii Ævi, Vol. III, Copenhagen, Andr. Hart. Godiche.

Shippey, T. A. and Andreas Haarder (eds.) (1998), Beowulf: The Critical Heritage, London and New York, Routledge.

Suhm, Peter Frederik (1782), Historie af Danmark, vol. 1, København, Brødrene Berling.
– (1779), Tabeller til den Critiske Historie, København, Brødrene Berling.

Thorkelin, Grímur Jónsson (1815), De Danorum rebus gestis secul. III & IV: Poëma Danicum dialecto Anglosaxonica : ex Bibliotheca Cottoniana Musaei Britannici 35

A Few Words about the Recently Published Anglo-Saxon Poem / edidit versione lat. et indicibus auxit Grim. Johnson Thorkelin, København, Typis Th. E. Rangel.
Torfæus, Thormodus (1711), Historia rerum Norvegicarum, IV volumes, København, Joachim Schmittgen.




How to Cite

Busbee, M. B. (2017). A Few Words about the Recently Published Anglo-Saxon Poem, the First Edition of Beowulf. Grundtvig-Studier, 66(1), 7–36. https://doi.org/10.7146/grs.v66i1.26302


