Barnedåb i kirken. Ritualforslag ved Kirkeligt Samfunds udvalg 1974 og Nadver i kirken. Ritualforslag ved Kirkeligt Samfunds udvalg 1976.


  • Th. Lyby Christensen



Baptism in Church and The Eucharist in Church Proposals for a ritual, made by the Committee of Kirkeligt Samfund (Church Society) in 1974 and 1976

Reviewed by Th. Lyby Christensen, lecturer in theology

The two proposals for a ritual are listed in detail with regard both to the proposed changes and to the reasoning behind them. This reviewer appreciates the work that the committees have done but cannot agree unreservedly with their conclusions. These proposals do not recommend themselves merely by being made and in some cases there is a lack of detailed reasoning behind the proposed changes. It is suggested, for example, that at baptism the so-called ‘baptismal command’ (Matt. 28: 18-20) should be left out, together with the sign of the cross (as a relic from the Middle Ages). For suggestions on the Eucharist the Committee divided into two, each making its own proposal; the one makes the ritual as brief as possible in order to turn Communion into a natural part of the normal Sunday service, whilst the other has emphasized the connection between the Eucharist and Jesus’ life in order to combat its gloomier perspectives. This reviewer maintains that the latter purpose should be expressed in the sermon and in the choice of hymns, with reference, for example, to Grundtvig’s new version of Luther’s Christ lag in Todes Banden.




How to Cite

Christensen, T. L. (1976). Barnedåb i kirken. Ritualforslag ved Kirkeligt Samfunds udvalg 1974 og Nadver i kirken. Ritualforslag ved Kirkeligt Samfunds udvalg 1976. Grundtvig-Studier, 29(1), 65–71.



Fra Grundtvig-litteraturen