Kapererhvervets økonomi i Nordjylland 1807-1814


  • Thomas Jensen
  • Andreas Bjerregaard Laursen
  • Bo Poulsen


Englandskrigen 1807-1814 blev scene for en af Danmarkshistoriens mest langstrakte, og meget velorganiserede guerillakrige, nemlig kapervirksomheden. Der er konsensus blandt historikere om, at patriotismen spiller en mindre rolle i forhold til de økonomiske incitamenter, men kunne det rent faktisk betale sig at deltage i kaperiet i 1807-1814?

Ved hjælp af analyser af domme af afsagt ved priseretten i Aalborg foruden en oversigt af nogle af de prisedømte skibes ladning, prøver vi i denne artikel at trænge ind bag spørgsmålet, om det har været en god forretning at være kaperreder eller mandskab på et kaperskib?

Artiklen konkluderer, at det er lykkedes at finde eksempler på fortjeneste ved opbringelser som er kommet for retten, og et – af staten udregnet – eksempel på udgifterne ved at drive et kaperfartøj. Gennem disse undersøgelser har vi sandsynliggjort, at der var så mange udgifter over indkomster for rederiet at det ikke endegyldigt kan kaldes en god forretning, mens det derimod kan siges, at der med god sandsynlighed har været gode penge at hente for den menige sømand.


The privateering business in North Jutland, 1807-1814

The Danish-Norwegian involvement in the Napoleonic Wars from 1807-1814 is remembered as the ‘Englandskrigen. Taking sides with Napoleon the Danes and Norwegians were vastly overpowered by the British navy at sea throughout the war. Nonetheless, the Danes were able to disturb British trade in and out of the Baltic Sea through the deployment of hundreds of privateering vessels. This article investigates whether or not it was profitable for the many privateers to enter into this particular business. We analyze court cases and lists of goods acquired as prizes by privateers to answer the question of profitability, along with estimates of the fixed costs and running costs associated with privateering. The results suggest that in general there seems to have been an economic loss to running a privateer-vessel as ship-owner, since it seems that there would be more expenses than earnings linked to the operation for the investor. On the other hand, our findings would also suggest that there would be easy money in the industry for the common sailor, and especially so with extraordinarily large prizes.





Jensen, T., Laursen, A. B., & Poulsen, B. (2017). Kapererhvervets økonomi i Nordjylland 1807-1814. Erhvervshistorisk Årbog, 66(1), 1–19. Hentet fra https://tidsskrift.dk/eaa/article/view/96194


