Changing value chain strategies of Danish clothing and fashion companies, 1970-2013


  • Kristoffer Jensen Curator at Danish Museum of Industry and visiting scholar at University of Southern Denmark.
  • René Taudal Poulsen Associate professor in shipping economics at Copenhagen Business School.


Over the last four decades, the clothing industry has seen one of the most radical, global transformations of any industry, and Western European clothing companies have been put under strain. To the surprise of industry observers and academics, however, Denmark continues to hold expansive and profitable companies within this industry. Both the trade itself and industry observers see the present success of Danish fashion as the result of Danish pioneering in international outsourcing. The article challenges the commonly told story, arguing that the present success should be seen as the result of new companies entering the sector rather than the transformation of old ones. The article demonstrates that value chain strategies are constantly in the making and successful ones rarely remain competitive for long.


Kristoffer Jensen, Curator at Danish Museum of Industry and visiting scholar at University of Southern Denmark.

Kristoffer Jensen, born 1973. PhD in history. Curator at Danish Museum of Industry and visiting scholar at University of Southern Denmark. Has primarily published on the impact of globalization on the Danish manufacturing sector.

René Taudal Poulsen, Associate professor in shipping economics at Copenhagen Business School.

René Taudal Poulsen, born 1976. PhD in fisheries history from the University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg in 2005. Associate professor in shipping economics at Copenhagen Business School from 2012.



Jensen, K., & Poulsen, R. T. (2013). Changing value chain strategies of Danish clothing and fashion companies, 1970-2013. Erhvervshistorisk Årbog, 62(2), 37–56. Hentet fra


