Aspects of Danish Business History since 1970 - a short introduction
In this volume of Erhvervshistorisk Årbog, Danish Yearbook of Business History, some of the results of a large project are presented. This introduction present mainly the historical components of the project, based on studies of contemporarily sources dating back to ca. 1970. The volume consists of four articles that refer to four different industries: The textile industry, the furniture industry, the shipbuilding and marine equipment industry, and finally the shipbuilding industry and the formation of spin-off companies instead. In this project we have chosen to use the simple "smiley"-model of the value-chain. The project, called GONE, has uncovered how these industries have changed value-chain strategies, which in turn has had a major impact on those employed in these industries and for Danish society as a whole. It is indisputable that the number of persons employed in the actual manufacturing jobs has decreased very significantly in Denmark since 1970. Instead more people are working in design, purchasing, sales and branding.
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