The Miniaturization of the World in Moacyr Scliar’s A Guerra no Bom Fim

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Lyslei Nascimento


This article analyzes the Moacyr Sciliar’s novel A guerra no Bom Fim, originally published in 1972. The narrative portrays the Second World War and its devastating effects on Bom Fim, the Jewish neighborhood of the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil. From a child’s point-of-view, this space for fantasy and dream but also of nightmares and bad omens is shaped like “a small country,” which reveals in its shape the world miniaturized and brutalized by the war.

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How to Cite
Nascimento, L. (2017). The Miniaturization of the World in Moacyr Scliar’s A Guerra no Bom Fim. Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies, 5(2), 366–375.
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Author Biography

Lyslei Nascimento, Faculdade de Letras, UFMG

Lyslei Nascimento is Professor of Comparative Literature at the College of Letters of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, coordinator of the Center for Jewish Studies, holder of a grant from CNPq, and participant in the Minas Gerais Research Program of Fapemig


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