Forced Evictions and Black-Indigenous Land Rights in the Marvelous City
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Preparations for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil have uncovered the serious issue of forced evictions in Rio de Janeiro. Forced evictions mostly affect economically and racially marginalized Brazilians who, in Rio de Janeiro, form the majority in slum tenements known as favelas. Of the marginalized, the groups that have had the most success have been indigenous and Afro-Brazilian quilombolas—descendants of escaped slaves who formed communities in remote locations. Using ideas presented in Juliet Hooker’s essay, “Indigenous Inclusion/Black Exclusion”, as the theoretical foundation, I argue that indigenous and quilombolas in Rio de Janeiro have been more successful in protecting their land and property interests because they have additional rights to land that favela dwellers do not possess. Nevertheless, police violence and continued attempts at forced eviction due to discrimination as well as ineffective and indifferent governance show the futility of these extra rights.
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