Military involvement in political disputesas a factor of institutional instability in Brazil
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This paper reports how the recent military`s involvement in political disputes raises instability in Brazil. As the country will have a presidential election in October 2022, the research sheds light on how President Bolsonaro abuses the armed forces` prestige and power as an instrument of intimidation and political pressure, which includes pushing followers to call for military intervention against Congress and the Supreme Court. For this purpose, this study identifies some top military officials’ declarations and analyses how they explain Brazil’s political instability scenario that began in 2013 and how the other two Branches have been reacting to Bolsonaro`s moves. Despite no evidence that the armed forces are committed to any threat to democracy, it must be a permanent task to keep them as nonpartisan institutions. Shielding military commanders from domestic politics is part of this effort to be considered in the studies about the protection of the constitutional order.
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