Blog and Talk. Brug af blogs til at understøtte mundtlig deltagelse i tilstedeværelsesundervisningen


  • Torsten Bøgh Thomsen


Based on the pedagogical concepts of constructive alignment, collaborative learning, peer feedback and self assessment, I argue in this article that blogs can be included in face to face teaching to support oral presentations in group work on courses that are completed by oral examination. The article is written on the basis of a teaching model that combines group presentations and blogs, and which I developed and implemented in the autumn of 2019 and the spring of 2020, when I taught the bachelor subject "Science Theory 2" at Comparative Literature at SDU. The article includes a description of the pedagogical thoughts that went into the development of the model, and a detailed description of the implementation process and modifications I made along the way. It is intended as a help and instruction for teachers who work with qualifying and structuring oral participation in their teaching and with training students in oral presentation in order to prepare them for oral examination.




How to Cite

Thomsen, T. B. “Blog and Talk. Brug Af Blogs Til at understøtte Mundtlig Deltagelse I tilstedeværelsesundervisningen”. Aktualitet - Litteratur, Kultur Og Medier, vol. 14, no. 1, Oct. 2020, p. 11,