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Morgensangens fællesskabende kraft hos højskoleelever


  • Hjalte Hviid Mikkelsen



Balkwill, Laura Lee og William Forde Thompson. 1999. ”A Cross-cultural Investigation of the Perception of Emotion in Music: Psychophysical and Cultural Cues.” Music Perception 17 (1): 43-64. doi: 10.2307/40285811.

Bryant, Gregory A. 2013. ”Animal Signals and Emotion in Music: Coordinating Affect across Groups.” Frontiers in Psychology 4.

Clayton, Martin. 2012. ”What is Entrainment? Definition and Applications in Musical Research.” Empirical Musicology Review 7 (1-2): 49-56.

Hagen, Edward H. og Gregory A. Bryant2003. ”Music and Dance as a Coalition Signaling System.” Human Nature 14 (1): 21-51. doi: 10.1007/s12110-003-1015-z.

Keeler, Jason R., Edward A. Roth, Brittany L. Neuser, John M. Spitsbergen, Daniel J.M. Waters, John-Mary Vianney. 2015. ”The Neurochemistry and Social Flow of Singing: Bonding and Oxytocin.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00518.

Kreutz, Gunter, Stephan Bongard, Sonja Rohrmann, Dorothee Grebe, Hans G. Bastian og Volker Hodapp. 2003. ”Does Singing Provide Health Benefits?” I Abstracts of the 5th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), redigeret af R. Kopiez, A.C. Lehmann, I. Wolther og C. Wolf, 216-219. Hanover: Univ. of Music and Drama.

Pearce, Eiluned, Jacques Launay og Robin I.M. Dunbar. 2015. ”The Ice-Breaker Effect: Singing Mediates Fast Social Bonding.” Royal Society Open Science 2 (10). doi: 10.1098/rsos.150221.

Phillips-Silver, Jessica, Christina Aktipis og Gregory A. Bryant. 2010. ”The Ecology of Entrainment: Foundations of Coordinated Rhythmic Movement.” Music Perception 28 (1): 3-14. doi: 10.1525/mp.2010.28.1.3.

Skovgaard, Lasse. 2020. ”På vej mod en fællessangstypologi.” SANG (1): 32-37.

Sørensen, Jesper F., Katrine F. Baunvig, Peter B. Andersen. 2021. ”Håndvask og fællessang. Ritualer og ritualiserede handlinger i Coronaens tid.” Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift (72): 116-136. doi: 10.7146/rt.vi72.126503.

Vickhoff, Björn, Helge Malmgren, Rickard Åström, Gunnar Nyberg, Seth-Reino Ekström, Mathias Engwall, Johan Snygg, Michael Nilsson, Rebecka Jörnsten. 2013. ”Music Structure Determines Heart Rate Variability of Singers.” Frontiers in Psychology 4: 334. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00334.

Vuust, Peter, Ole A. Heggli, Karl J. Friston og Morten L. Kringelbach. 2022. ”Music in the brain





