Improving the learning outcome for students in Human Physiology by a problem-based learning approach


  • Rasmus Kjøbsted


physiology, problem-based, webcat, human


A problem-based learning (PBL) approach can be defined as teacherconstructed problems presented to a small group of students whose mission it is to discuss, describe and produce tentative explanations for the given problem or case study (Norman & Schmidt, 1992). Although PBL does not seem to improve general problem-solving skills, evidence suggests that
PBL enhances retention of knowledge, intrinsic interest in the subject matter as well as self-directed learning skills (Norman & Schmidt, 1992). In this project report I will therefore investigate how PBL is adapted and perceived in classroom teaching of university students studying human physiology for the purpose of accommodating learning and specific intended
learning outcomes (ILOs).




How to Cite

Kjøbsted, R. (2023). Improving the learning outcome for students in Human Physiology by a problem-based learning approach. Improving University Science Teaching and Learning, 17(1). Retrieved from