About the Journal

The journal publishes reports of development work conducted by the participants in The Teaching and Learning In Higher Education programme (Universitetspædagogikum). The program for assistant professors, associate professors and postdocs is given by the Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen.

The participant make a development project as part of Universitetspædagogikum. The projects show, how individual teachers have identified specific problems, directly related to their teaching practice and include their reflections on how to develop their practices and the quality of teaching more generally. In this way, the journal series constitutes an important contribution to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at the University of Copenhagen.

Prior to submission in the journal, each report is assessed by peers in the form of other participants in the course and the course organizer(s). 

The purpose of the series is to communicate insight into different types of challenges and problems related to teaching facing new university teachers, and to show how the tackle the problems using pedagogical research in new and inspiring ways.

The journal has been published by the Department of Science Education since 2010.

Copyright by the authors. Works published after April 1st 2023 are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.