Peer-instruction and drawing as student activating teaching in SAU24
peer-instruction, drawing, peer-feecback, activating teaching, sau24, neurophysiology, participation, implementedResumé
In this project report I present my experience with introducing student activities in my sau24 teaching. I describe some methods to activate students and explain how a few of these were applied to four classes taught in the neurophysiology course on the faculty of health in the fall 2017. The feedback from the students is then presented in an evaluation of the approach with regards to participation, learning, which activities the student preferred and how well they were implemented.
Fra og med årgang 19 (2023) er artikler udgivet i IUSTL udgivet med Creative Commons Navngivelse –Ikke-kommerciel (by-nc) licens. Redaktionen kan godkende andre Creative Commons Licencer for enkelte artikler, hvis forfatteren har anmodet om det.
Artikler i årgangene 1-18 er ikke udgivet under Creative Commons licens. I disse udgivelser tilfalder alle rettigheder forfatteren. Det betyder, at læsere kan downloade, læse og linke til artiklerne, men de kan ikke genudgive artiklerne. Forfatterne kan uploade deres artikler i et institutionsrepositiry som led i en grøn open access politik.