
  • Niels Brügger Professor (MSO), Ph.d. Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur Aarhus Universitet


informationssamfundet, digital historie, web, internettet, digitale kilder


Digital historie og arkiveret web som historisk kilde

Inden for det seneste årti er mængden af digitalt lagrede data vokset eksplosivt, og i samme periode vokser mængden af født digitalt materiale som fx indhold på sociale medier og web. Fremtidens historikere skal bevæge sig rundt i et kildemæssigt landskab, hvor kilderne i stigende grad er digitale og i mange tilfælde kun digitale. Denne artikel argumenterer for, at alle digitale kilder ikke er ens, blot fordi de er digitale, hvilket fører til en grundlæggende skelnen mellem digitaliserede, født-digitale og genfødt-digitale kilder. Dernæst introduceres til én særlig type genfødt digitalt materiale, nemlig arkiveret web, der sammenlignes med digitaliserede avisarkiver. Endelig diskuteres det, hvilke konsekvenser det arkiverede webs særlige karakteristika har for dets brug som historisk kilde.


Ackland, Robert and Ann Evans: ’Using the Web to Examine the Evolution of the Abortion Debate in Australia 2005-2015’. I N. Brügger and R. Schroeder (red.): The Web as History: Using Web Archives to Understand the Past and the Present, London: UCL Press, 2017, 159-189.

Agata, T., Y. Miyata, E. Ishita, A. Ikeuchi, and S. Ueda: ‘Life span of web pages: A survey of 10 million pages collected in 2001’, Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2014, 463-464.

Bibliotek og Medier: Bevaring af surt papir i de statslige samlinger: Rapport fra Arbejdsgruppen vedrørende masseafsyring af papir, Rapporter fra Bibliotek og Medier, nr. 6, København 2008, statslige_sa.pdf (20.03.2017).

Brügger, Niels: ‘Digital humanities in the 21st century: Digital material as a driving force’, Digital Humanities Quarterly 10 (3), 2016, vol/10/3/000256/000256.html (20.03.2017).

Brügger, Niels: ‘The Idea of Public Service in the Early History of DR Online’. I M. Burns and N. Brügger (red.): Histories of Public Service Broadcasters on the Web, New York: Peter Lang, 2012, 91-104.

Brügger, Niels: ‘Probing a nation’s web domain: A new approach to web history and a new kind of historical source’. I G. Goggin and M. McLelland (red.): The Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories, New York: Routledge, 2017, in press. Brügger, Niels: ‘Web Archiving – between Past, Present, and Future’. I M. Consalvo and C. Ess (red.): The Handbook of Internet Studies, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 24-42.

Brügger, Niels: ‘Web History and the Web as a Historical Source’, Zeithistorische Forschungen 9 (2), 2012, 316-325. 28

Brügger, Niels: ‘Web som lokalhistorisk kilde – hvad er udfordringerne?’. K.H. Andersen and C.R. Jansen (red.): Lokalhistorie: Fortid, nutid og fremtid, Højbjerg: Forlaget Skippershoved, 2014, 279-295.

Brügger, Niels: ‘When the Present Web is Later the Past: Web Historiography, Digital History, and Internet Studies’, Historical Social Research 37(4), 2012, 102-117.

Cohen, Daniel J. and Roy Rosenzweig: Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006.

Finnemann, Niels Ole: ‘Modernity Modernised: The Cultural Impact of Computerisation’. I P.A. Mayer (red.), Computer, Media and Communication, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, 141-159.

Guldi, Jo and David Armitage: The History Manifesto, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. IIPC Member Archives (n.d.), (20-03- 2017).

Kimpton, Michele and Jeff Ubois: ‘Year-by-Year: From an Archive of the Internet to an Archive on the Internet’. I J. Masanes, Web Archiving, Berlin: Springer, 2006, 201-212.

List of Web archiving initiatives (n.d.), initiatives (20.03.2017).

Mayer-Schönberger, Viktor and Kenneth Cukier: Big Data: A revolution that will transform how we live, work, and think, New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2013.

Moretti, Franco: ‘Conjectures on world literature’, New left review, 1, Jan.-Feb., 2000, 56-58.

Nanni, Federico: ‘Reconstructing a website’s lost past – Methodological issues concerning the history of’, Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2017, in press.

Schostag, Sabine and Eva Fønss-Jørgensen: ‘Webarchiving: Legal Deposit of Internet in Denmark. A Curatorial Perspective’, MDR, 41, 2012, 110-120. Truman, Gail: WebArchiving Environmental Scan, Harvard Library Report, 2016, http://nrs.harvard. edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:2565831 (20.03.2017).

Webster, Peter: ‘Religious discourse in the archived web: Rowan Williams, archbishop of Canterbury, and the sharia law controversy of 2008’. I N. Brügger and R. Schroeder (red.): The Web as History: Using Web Archives to Understand the Past and the Present, London: UCL Press, 2017, 190-203.





Brügger, N. (2017). DIGITAL HISTORIE OG ARKIVERET WEB SOM HISTORISK KILDE. Temp - Tidsskrift for Historie, 7(14), 10–29. Hentet fra