
  • Johan Heinsen Adjunkt Institut for Kultur og Globale Studier Aalborg Universitet


danmarkshistorie, kolonitiden, Dansk Vestindien, straffefanger, stemme


Johan Heinsen: Evasive Voices: Convicts in the Danish West Indies
From its foundation in 1672 to 1686, the colony of St. Thomas in The Lesser Antilles was attempted populated with convicts. The West India and Guinea Company had the right to see Copenhagen’s prisons as reservoirs of labour. The fragments that the archives offer up about these men and women form narratives about fraught social relations and desperate actions. This article explores the history of the convicts and their place within the colonial hierarchy and discourse.

The article pays special attention to questions of voice, as it traces the actions
of a single group of convicts who repeatedly challenged their unfreedom. Along
their side were two soldiers, one of whom was a convict who managed to masquerade as free. His name was Niels Krog, and when he became embroiled in a desertion plot, the governor enquired into his past. Krog offered him a narrative about a life among honest people. This made the governor wary of punishing Krog in ways that would dishonour the soldier. Krog’s tale can be read as a performance
carefully tailored to foil the governor.


Utrykt materiale

Rigsarkivet, Admiralitetet (Søetaten), pk. 26, dombog.

Rigsarkivet, Admiralitetet (Søetaten), pk. 573, Jochum Gullichsen til Admiralitetet, 25. marts 1682.

Rigsarkivet, Admiralitetet (Søetaten), Underadmiralitetsretten, pk. 2, protokol for 1682.

Rigsarkivet, Holmens chef (Søetaten), pk. 2, Jens Pedersens dom, 13. august 1685. 24

Rigsarkivet, Holmens chef (Søetaten), pk. 2, Niels Krogs dom, 21. september 1685.

Rigsarkivet, Holmens chef (Søetaten), pk. 2, Peder Nelausens dom, 20. juli 1685.

Rigsarkivet, Holmens chef (Søetaten), pk. 2, Peder Tranes dom, 28. marts 1685.

Rigsarkivet, Holmens chef (Søetaten), pk. 2, Svend Mogensens dom, 15. juni 1685.

Rigsarkivet, Holmens chef (Søetaten), pk. 15, registerbog.

Rigsarkivet, Marineministeriet, Skibsjournaler, pk. 4D-6M, Journal, 4D Havmanden 1680.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 42, brevkopibog.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 78, Jørgen Iversen til direktørerne, 15. september 1681.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 89, Christopher Heins til direktørerne, 5. oktober 1686.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 138, Fortegnelse huad det folck som döde paa henreysen til St Thomas hafuer kost Compagniet, 1682.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 181, dom, 20. juni 1683.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 181, kompagniets direktører til J. L. v Holstein, 28. november 1747.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 181, liste over fanger, 29. August 1685.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 181, Simon Braads forhør.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 181, Simon Braads journal.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 181, udkast til skrivelse, 1746.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 484, protokol.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 486, protokol.

Rigsarkivet, Vestindisk-Guineisk Kompagni, pk. 496, journal.

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Heinsen, J. (2017). FLYGTIGE STEMMER - STRAFFEFANGER I DANSK VESTINDIEN. Temp - Tidsskrift for Historie, 7(13), 5–26. Hentet fra


